Saturday 31 July 2010

Trivia from my past. (East London in the 60s)

This picture was taken in 1966 at Number 1 St Anne's House, St Anne's Road in Stepney, East London. I can remember a man coming around one day and we had to sit on the sofa while he took this photo of My Mum, Sister and me. He then went and a few days later we had this photo.

I went to a school called Cyril Jackson. It was the old school at first but then we went to a new one across the road. The old school has since, been pulled down. I remember going to Cyril Jackson school across East India Dock Road and down Three Colt's street from 1964 to 1967 before we moved.

I went back about three years ago to look around. I was driving through the area with a delivery. It was a whim and I decided to do a George Orwell - coming Up for Air thing. Everything was different and I come away feeling very disappointed. I don't know why, because the area is much improved to the run down way I could remember it. I suppose I felt robbed of a memory and for that I was disappointed. Sometimes you try to touch your past or grab a piece of nostalgia but it doesn't happen the way you expect.

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