Monday 25 October 2010

Last day of the old Routemaster bus in London

When I was a kid one of my earliest memories is holding my mothers hand and looking down the main road by Mile End station. We lived there I was always going out to the shops as you do when you are small and with your Mum. I can distinctly remember the old black London taxis in the early 1960s and the trucks called Scammels and of course the big red double decker buses. They were every where to my infant's mind because everywhere was London. As I got older it was all same old scene - same old place - same old cars - same old everything. Then one day it goes and you realise you miss the same old because you can't say it anymore - its no longer there and you are robbed of a little memory. The old Routemaster buses did give London an identity - a lovely retro one. Like red letter boxes and red phone boxes too.


Unknown said...

We have one down here in Gloucester. It is owned by Stagecoach and used for Weddings, all kitted out with flowers and ribbons.
The people of Gloucester and Bristol seem in awe of it and are amazed that I grew up with them during my London childhood.
I have to say it does take me back to those days whenever I see it.

Retro Brit said...

Hello Chris and thanks for your comment. I miss them now they are gone. I think I took them for granted and then they went... :(