Saturday 20 November 2010

Moyra Melons ear rings in minimalist room

Moyra Melons was always looking for new ways to allow men to notice her splendid taste in ear bling. Her latest idea was to clear her room of furniture paint the walls plain white and wear a plain white dress.

Then she sat there, very contentedly waiting for her husband to come home from work. She was certain that amid plain white walls and white dress, in a minimalist decorated room; her poor husband could not help, but notice the subtle glow of the ear rings she was wearing.

Picture, if you will, her husband as he walks through the door. What will be the first thing screaming at him when he looks upon Moyra Melons sitting there? Yes you got it - her gorgeous ear wear because Moyra has cleverly fashioned things so that nothing else stands out - would you not agree?


Anonymous said...

She is the model wife.

Poor hubby. He's had a long day at the office, it's been quite a slog home, and he really needs a strong drink to unwind.

He walks in, spies Moyra's luscious orbs on display, immediately gets himself a good stiff one, then Moyra sets about relieving his pent-up stress. I bet she even cleans up afterwards.

Retro Brit said...

Would you not love to have Moyra as your wife? I dream about it now and then, as you might have guessed... :)