Thursday 30 December 2010

Moyra Melons celerbrates new year ear rings with a bang!

"Wo! No stop there, I didn't mean that sought of bang." yelled Moyra Melon's over excited husband.

She was confused when he told her he wanted to celebrate her new ear rings and new year with a bang.

"What now?" she had replied.

"Yes now, my little petal. Now is New Year," he answered dreaming of partying, drinking, having fun and meeting friends - the sought of thing one does for the New year bash.

"You want to have a New Year ear rings bang now?" asked Moyra with her saucy grin.

"Of course," he replied again. "Now is New Year - let the festive New Year 'going with a bang,' begin, especially with those wonderful new ear rings."

And so; This picture is how Moyra Melons readied herself and how her poor hot flushed husband came to be yelling, "Wo! No stop there, I didn't mean that sought of bang."

They got to the New Years bash a little later then expected because Moyra Melons insisted that her idea of starting the New Year with a bang was correct, and her husband, being an understanding sort of chap, felt he should comply with his wife's wishes. He did not want to argue with Moyra Melons and I don't think I blame him, do you?


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