Saturday 21 June 2014

Druids Will Be Out in Force at Stonehenge for Summer Solstice.

The Druids will be out in force to celebrate the summer solstice today. I've seen this once when I went to a rock festival in the field next door in 1979. The druids were in among the stones, conducting some sort of ceremony. The always flock to the stone rings scattered around in various parts of the country to commemorate summer and winter solstice. What bearing they have upon the druid priests of old is hard to say. They  were wiped out and the religion was all but destroyed during the 400 years of Roman rule. This new druid following was resurrected a few centuries back. Some say they were cultists, but perhaps all religions are cultists. Who knows. I would not think they follow ancient druid traditions apart from the worship of trees and what not. Still it makes for a colourful spectacle and druidism has spread to other parts of the planet. USA, Canada and Australia all have their groups and they all keep in touch with one another. 

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