Wednesday 8 June 2016

Marsh Harriers and Wild Rhododendrons of Norfolk.

Until I moved to the Fenland, I never paid much attention to raptors. It was only when I surveyed my new area that I began to notice all sorts of birds of prey. First it was Common Buzzards that seem to be in abundance around the Fens. I’m told they vanished to West and North Britain in the 1990s. Then they reappeared in Anglia and their population seems to rise each year.

I have seen Red Kites, Sparrow Hawks and, of course, Marsh Harriers. I saw a Red Kite hunting as it circled a field while I drove back to my work place along the A47 from Wisbech to March. It was a grand sight. And then the next day at almost the same location, I saw a Marsh Harrier fly across the road in front of my truck and out over the Fen.

It made me ponder at just how many Marsh Harriers there are too. I had never seen one until I moved to the Fens. Then upon visiting the bird hides between Manea and the town of Ely, I saw Marsh Harriers often. I thought it was something rear, but again, I was wrong. There are great numbers of them.

Today, I drove out with my wife to Wells Next to the Sea. We parked up at the Holkham Beach area, where there is a bridal path covered by trees. The woods create a barrier from the North Sea and the Marshes where these particular birds of prey love to hunt. I managed to get some shots as the raptors flew over the shrubs and grasslands hunting.

Carole's Wild Rhododendrons Woods

We also visited Sandringham where Carole loves to see the wild rhododendrons growing around the trees and woodlands. All in all, it was a very fine day.

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